• If tonight whilst in bed I lie,
    my mortal body there should die,
    no wary fears would cross my mind,
    until the nevermore I find.

    There in weary shadows hidden,
    may come wretched terror unbidden,
    to end forever I am unwilling,
    though with chill my limbs are filling.

    For mercy may I scream and cry,
    tears come dripping from mine eye,
    though death with fingers reaching,
    a dreadful lesson will be teaching.

    In life I sought true release,
    to death I thought I'd fly with ease,
    only here the truth I find,
    death is never quite so kind.

    For whilst I thought my wish ignored,
    death with cheerful bliss did soar,
    twisting, turning my forgotten words,
    armed with the figurative sword.

    So whilst I found cheer at last,
    death found it time my wish should pass,
    and so my words I now regret,
    for now I have paid my last debt.