"First there was nothing, then it exploded." Terry Pratchett.
Loki's Blog
<span style="color: red"><div class="postcontent-align-center" style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 24px">It's the Silly Putty, Run for the hills!</span></div></span><br/><br/><div class="postcontent-align-center" style="text-align: center"><img src="https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v435/screeniegal/stopthesillyputtycopy.jpg" class="user_img" alt="User Image" /></div><br/><br/><span style="font-size: 14px"><div class="postcontent-align-center" style="text-align: center">The silly putty is actually an advanced race of superintelligent alien beings planning to take over the world. Their plan is to sneak into peoples homes through little plastic eggs sold at the supermarket. One day, they'll all attack and engulf their owners, carrying them off to escape pods in the ground shaped like giant eggs. These pods will fly them to The Silly Putty mother ship which will take them to the Silly Putty Planet. There, they will force them to work in the chocolate mines and give them nothing but salty croutons to eat.Their one weakness is onions, especially green onions.<br/><br/>I, the leader of the counter force to stop the Silly Putty, beseech thee. Stock up on onions, <br/>and fight the putty menace!<br/><br/>If you would like to join the Counter Force or inform me of your evil alliance with the silly putty so we can fight you, PM me or comment here. <br/><br/>Silly Putty Counter Force <br/><br/>1.Mcfeegle <br/>2.LittleMiss009 <br/>3.Torina42 <br/>4.Fallen_Angel_Hikaru <br/>5. Lii-kun <br/><br/>The Evil Allies <br/><br/>1.VesperFlama <br/>2.princess_Im_bored<br/><br/></div></span> | |||
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