Well, I've been on summer vacation for two weeks or so now, and I'm working on learning morse code. I found a program on the computer (actually, my dad found it, all of the ones I found were made for much older and slower computers) to help me learn it, and it's working pretty well, it's called morsecat. I'm still madly in love with Taylor, and I'm constantly thinking of him. I miss seeing him and he won't be coming back to my school next year, unfortunately. I'm keeping in touch with him as best as I can. I am spending a lot of time outside and in trees (I took a nap in one this afternoon, lol, it was sooo hot out! it still is, really...); I'm trying to work on my magic and work more with my faerie part of me, because, for those of you who know me pretty well, I am a faerie, move_like_the_water has seen the proof - my wings - when she slept over at my house one night, we were up late, I felt a tingling below my shoulder blades, and she said, "Jen, I swear I just saw wings on your back! They looked like dragonfly wings, only there was only two!" I told her I felt them. I feel them and see them there a lot, and for those of you who were wondering, I have flown a bit too, but not too far, I'm still working on that, other faeries are helping me. They're energetic little things... as am I... lol. Well, I should go, my dad is waiting to work on these electronic kits I got at the Ham Fest with me.
I'll write again soon!
~*~ Peace Out ~*~
~,@,~ Jen ~,@,~
[b:b77ce41fb9]I love Doctor Who!![/b:b77ce41fb9][/color:b77ce41fb9]
Run_like_the_wind · Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 12:47am · 1 Comments |