Oh! Oh! I just saw Pirates of the Carribean #3! Finally it's out in the cinemas I've been waiting for what seems like forever... My favourite character is Tia Dalma, also known as Calipso. I cried at LEAST nine times in this movie it was sad in my opinion..
 Tia Dalma's cool all my friends like either Jack, Will, or Elisabeth, but Tia Dalma's my personal favourite. The whole movie ((this has spoilers so...yeeaahh don't read if you haven't seen it...)) I told my friend Kitsune Kandie that something was going to happen to Will, especially when Barbossa married Will and Elisabeth. Kitsune Kandie tried to make me smile in the beginning of the movie when they hanged the little boy...It kinda worked well worked a lot when the pirates started singing she said, "No, they're not getting hanged. They're just trying out for Pirate Idol!" She tried to make me smile when Will got, uh, well stabbed in the heart by...well she gave up at that point. And then the nose. Kitsune and I thought we were in the wrong movie when Jack's nose appeared!!! I was cracking up and people were shushing me and Kitsune and it was all quite strange...
Yeah I cry at the most random times. I guess Kitsune Kandie's figured that out by now for the million and twelve years we've known each other because since then she has stopped taking me to see sad films where people or animals die... She tried that with The Departed. Heh... Blood bath centre...well I've seen worse, and it wasn't the blood that bothered me. They killed so many people! Eh...and in the end everyone was shot in the head...
I cried and cried...and cried some more...
Tilly_Witch · Fri Jun 29, 2007 @ 10:59am · 0 Comments |