My mother is brining my bro home today for a couple days..that'll be interesting. I finally beat FFVIIDOC on normal...with auto sight assistance, because my aim sucks!!!!Past that, nothing much. I'm working on my laundry, which is laways a pain in the @$$, but I'm washing my bed sheets. >.< TMI, I know. Ozzy, or Oz, or Ozymandias, is offically ours and gets the snip monday. Which reminds me, somehow we all got into a disscussion wiether or not he'll be an 'it' after that. But that's different. Oh!!!!!! Here's the prologue to my story I'm writing, I know it's long and stupid. And to all those thinking it, yes, i modeled it after the first chapter of MR: TAE...but's Mariya's tale: A Blood Ridden Path- Prologue
I know, it's REALLY long, just PLEASE read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!
xXSamantha_RXx · Sun Jul 01, 2007 @ 10:30pm · 1 Comments |