Gaia Name: Moonprincess70
Homunculi's name: Mordet (murder in Danish)
Age: appears 15 really around 100
Location of the crest of Ouroboros: on the back of her neck, usually hidden by the band at the back of her dress
Special Abilities: She carries special powders with her that she can spread by blowing them at people. Each powder has a different purpose. The blue powder can freeze someone if used indoors, but cannot be used outdoors. The red powder if it makes contact with the skin will burn the person and adding water will just increase the pain. If it is used on something other than a human it will react with the microscopic water particles in the item to make it combust and yes it can even be used in rain. The pink powder will cause the person to become confused and dazed sometimes even to the point of hallucination. The green powder will cause a person to become extremely ill and they will die within hours if not taken to a medical facility. The symptoms are different for each individual. The dark blue powder is called the nightmare powder and if given to a person will make them fall asleep and relive their nightmares again and again never waking up, this is one of the deadliest powders in the set because only a strong mind and will could cause a person to awaken. All of these powders she stores on her belt but the final powder she has only enough for one use, the death powder, she keeps this in a pouch on her necklace at all times, and keeps it in reserve until she is at her most desperate times. If she is ever without her powders she can also control the air around her by turning it into hurricane speed winds, though this takes a lot out of her. She also has a pair of butterfly wings imbedded inside of her skin but is she wanted to use them she would literally have to tear practically all of the skin off of her back soaking her wings in blood and making them almost unusable for several hours.
Background: Mordet was originally from our world but due to some experimentation by her father she was somehow dragged into the gate to the other side, the only thing she remembers is a light and her body turning into a bunch of butterflies, when she woke up she was on the other side without any knowledge of her past except for her name and a knowledge of powders. Since then she has traveled the world and has just recently returned to central after being gone about 80 years. She’s been hiding out in the underground city and was a witness to what happened to Dante and Edward. Until recently she has had no clue what she was but knew she was not human, since witnessing the death of Dante she realized she was a homunculi but she feared the original seven and went out to look for others.