Dum dee dum dum
TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY FOR ME!!!!! xd mrgreen xd mrgreen xd mrgreen xd mrgreen xd
I'm soooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!
Let's see, news.... Saturday: went to my cousin's house (my cousin, his wife, and their baby heart ) I love my baby cousin!!! heart heart heart He has the best personality, and he's just the sweetest baby ever... and the biggest flirt (at only a year!) when he sees girls (even me and my mom and my grandma) he gives this HUGE smile, and he's gonna be some ladies man heart
I envy my cousins almost... they've been together since they were 16, and still love each other (they're 30-ish now) also, they're still friends ^^ I just love them a lot heart Makes me wish for a boyfriend, lol sweatdrop
Sunday was vespers... Made me depressed gonk The reason was because they talked about graduating with their friends, from all the way back to elementary school, but I can't do that, cause I moved when I was 9 crying ALEX CALL ME!!!!! Sorry, I really doubt that Alex is on Gaia, but still, ya never know sweatdrop But other than that, boring...
Today: HAHAHA!!!!! NO PRECAL EXAM!!!!! twisted
Quote: "How come when a man murders a Tiger, it's called a sport, but when a Tiger murders a man, it's called ferocity?" (quote ish not exactly right ^_^; wink