"If the God and Goddess really wanted to...
"...they'd figure out a way to see you naked." Haha- I love my mom. I read something to her about how some people think they have to be in the nude when performing rituals and that was what she said. I wasn't planning on running around butt naked or anything; I like my body but not that much. So I just got back from field hockey practice despite today being Rosh Hashanah or Ramadan or whatever holiday it is that I do not by any means celebrate. Well I want off for the sabbats and esbats! We have, like, five or six Jewish kids in my school which is miniscule compared to everyone else. We have a small group of Muslims- small being about a group of three- and one Hindu girl. Why are we getting off for holidays only a few people celebrate? Like I said, I now want off on sabbats and esbats. That was coach's atittude, too, making today an "optional" practice. "I don't want to see that you converted to Judaism for these two days and then you come back the next saying you're Christian again," she said, or something along those lines. If we're forever Jewish we get the next two days off. If not, we work. I don't think anyone on the team is Jewish, though. And I have an hour and a half of dance practice at 5:45 tonight. Don't wanna go... my legs hurt. But it's my first practice in a month so I really should go. Plus, I've got to show the teachers my pretty swatches. whee