Farmer Whigg
So I had to take a career test… thing… today. It said I should go into either construction (which I got 33 out of 40 for) or agriculture (38 out of 40). I wouldn’t mind being a farmer of some sort, but I would never be able to raise an animal just to send it out to be slaughtered. So I don’t know what I’d do if I were a farmer. But… band ish gewd. The trumpets play softer (thankfully) and the flutes play louder (thankfully). I’m watching Mind of Mencia… so stupid, yet so funny. “They took my pie!” You know you love it. “Hernandez party of 852? Hernandez party of 852?” I wonder how many parents have forbidden their kids from watching this show, even the high school kids. I mean, he’s so…bad. Someone called him the bad boy of comedy once, which is stupid, but what he talks about is so offensive. Not to me, and not to most of my friends (to most of us it’s too freakin’ funny) but I’ve heard parents talk about how Marilyn Manson’s so terrible… I wonder if they know about Carlos.