This is sooo stupid! My mom and I were in the CVS drive thru to get her medicine one night and this retard of a mom wasn't close enough to the window. So she got out of the car and stood next to the window for 15 minutes when I see this little head pop out of the car. Her kid gets out of the car as well and is hanging on the window...then she starts dancing for no reason. Than the kid notices that my mom and I were sitting there watching her. She then crouches down and stares into the headlights...freak. it took them 30 minutes to do NOTHING! When we finally got up to the window they said that they didn't have my mom's medicine. It was a total, complete waste of time other than getting to see a little kid look retarded.
RiotAtTheAsylum · Fri Sep 21, 2007 @ 06:06am · 2 Comments |