Shifting Slayer, Blood Moon 0.1 |
Chapter 1
Living in a church can do strange things to a demon
I walked down the sidewalk, my umbrella resting on my shoulder as I twirled it around. I had it opened though there were no clouds in the night sky at all. I passed quiet residents until I came to the ruined part of the city. Terrifying ruins loomed in the dark, making everything so much creepier.
I merely whistled as I continued my pleasant walk towards my home. The old abandoned church. Everybody said that the ruins of the city were haunted by the spirits killed in the war and demons who feasted on the ghosts who didn't pass on fast enough. I swung open the doors, revealing a clean and orderly interior. I closed my umbrella and set it by the door, continuing to whistle my merry little tune. I stopped whistling and looked at the floor when I was halfway down the hallway.
There was a bloody footprint.
I had just cleaned the church before I left.
So somebody must be here. Who would be here? At this time of night? Most of the humans are asleep. None of them dare venture here. So I followed the trail of footprints. "My, that's a lot of blood..." I murmured to myself, stopping outside one of the guest rooms.
'To open the door, or to not open the door, that is the question...' I thought, tilting my head as I placed my hands on my hips. 'What a silly question! We just phase through the door!'
So I did.
Everything was dark, but my eyes adjusted. The windows had been covered and the sheets on the bed had been shredded. On a few scraps of what was left of the bedsheets, I could see blood. So whoever it was was hurt, trying to help themselves, and chose to hide in this room, if they hadn't died of blood loss yet.
A quiet scuffling sound grabbed my attention. I stepped silently over a few blood pools and reached the walk-in closet on the other side of the room. I pulled the door open without any regards to my personal safety or whatever was in the closet. It wasn't some horrid beast or a small lost child I found.
It was a sixteen year old boy.
It was a sixteen year old boy who was half kitsune.
He had spikey red hair, red eyes, and tan skin, probably from being outside during the day. He was wearing black rags and had bloody bandages covering most of his body. His black fox ears and tail twitched when he saw me. He tried to back away, shivering slightly, but found he had nowhere to go. He was still sitting on the ground. So, I knelt down to his level.
"Hello, my name's Eve Akuma. What's yours?" I asked, smiling slightly.
"It's okay, you don't have to tell me. Why don't you come out so we can get you cleaned up properly?" I continued smiling, slowly extending my hand.
He slowly took my hand, still shivering. I guided him out of the room, and down the hall into the bathroom. After he took a bath, I dressed his wounds.
And he had a lot. Poor thing, must have been attacked every day. Humans hate demons and demons hate humans. It's disasterous to be half of each. I led him back to another room.
"Here you go, Kitsu-kun. This'll be your room. if you want to get to mine, just go through those doors." I told him, indicating the oak doors on the far wall. I had taken to calling him Kitsu-kun since he never told me his name. Heck, he never made a sound. I turned to leave when he caught my jacket sleeve.
"Kyuu....My name is Kyuu Kazama..." he said quietly.
"Well, good night Kyuu-kun." I said patting his head. I left his room and went to mine.
---Three months later---
"Wakey wakey Eve!"
"C'mon, you promised we'd go out during the day today!"
"Don't make me be mean, Eve."
"You made me be mean."
"Kyuu-kun! You didn't have to rip the sheets off! That was uncalled for!"
"I tried to wake you up nicely but obviously it didn't work. So I had no choice but to rip the sheets off. Unless you wanted a bucket of cold water...."
"....no. Do that and I will gut you. Now get out of here so I can get dressed." I told him, pointing at the doors. Kyuu left the room, and I rubbed all the sleep from my eyes. I changed quickly and headed out of my room and down to the front entrance. I grabbed my umbrella and went to join Kyuu. We opened the front doors, stepping out into the evening sun. I think it's about four o'clock in the evening.
"Eve, look." Kyuu said, pointing at a cloaked figure. His ears were laid back somewhat as I stepped forward, towards the unknown figure.
"Are you Eve Akuma?" the figure asked, clearly male.
"Depends on who's asking." I retorted, my face blank.
"I finally found you." the figure murmured, before dashing forward.
He held something that glinted in the light and before I knew it, he was right in front of me. He made a downwards slashing motion when....
Doodle_Neko · Thu Oct 25, 2007 @ 05:44pm · 1 Comments |