Age: 17
Gender: Male
Blood Type: X (Teh Mixture of All Blood Type Of People Who Suffered and Sacrificed They Life To Summon Him)


Ace find out life changing information about him and his destiny that awaits for him... He never knew his parents as he lived alone is a little house on his own since he was born, he is popular and famous around that little town as mostly everyone around they knew him and was so friendly to him.... He learned that he was not just a normal ordianary child like others, he didn't born like other babies which explains why he never met his parents nor know any thing about them.
The day he turned 16 a man in while long cloak and while bread appeared on the foot step of his house with a present as he woke that morning to learn the truth about his life. The Tall Old man gave Ace the present which contain a long sword with green handle and red rubys put into the side of them and the man told him about the people who suffered a big curse that been put on the village of Huston by Dark Mage who was banished by the king but the curse remained on the village and people start to suffer everyday by new and ancient plage and illness and the remaining of the village people prayed to break the curse that has been put on they village and most of them sacrifised they life for this prayer to be complete and as for them sacrifise the Goddess Of Destiny decide to send her only child to earth to lift of the curse when he become age of 16, he must find the sword of Destiny and break the enchanted stone that is deep under the ocean where the soul of the dark mage lays within...
The old man in the white Cloak gave Ace the sword of legend to help him through his quest and destiny to find the stone and break and kill the soul of the dark mage to lift off the curse that has been put on them.