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A day in the life of Unlucky -.-

Community Member
Sick on Chistmas Break
I was sick on Christmas it really sucked. I was put on a lot of meds, I was so druged. Here is a stroy of me being druggie. gonk

Okay so I was upstairs in my room when I thought that I neded something downstairs, so I went downstairs. And when I got downstairs I couldn't remember going downstairs and I couldn't remember what I needed downstairs. So I went back upstairs and when I got back upstairs in my room I began to question weather or not I really went downstairs. Afterwards I questioned weather or not the whole thing really happened. And now I question myself if I really remember this or was that just a dream? whee

This is what medication can do to you, especally if your me and don't remember things anyway. And no Amanda I didn't drink any Niquil but I had Theraflou.

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Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jan 01, 2008 @ 03:24am
ha thats funneh

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