“Him?” “Mako, I’m home!” His sister called. “Ahh! Please hide me! Please!” Mako whispered and jumped behind his sofa, in the living room. “I’m not here!” He said. Then the door flew open. “Hey Sora! Hey…” Mako’s sister looked puzzled. She had long blonde hair with big blue eyes. “Laruko.” Laruko said and sighed. “Yes, of course! So have you seen my brother anywhere?” She asked. “Nope.” “Yes.” Laruko and Sora said at the same time. “Well, which is it?” She asked impatiently. “Yes.” “Nope.” Laruko and Sora looked at each other crossly. “Nope.” “Yes.” They switched answers again. “Now I know he’s here somewhere.” Mako’s sister said. She started to walk towards the sofa and pushed the cushions in. Mako was beging to sweat. “Mako, you can come out now! Soku wants to meet you!” His sister began to peek her head behind the couch. “Shadow clone jutsu…” Mako whispered and closed his eyes. POOF! Mako quietly crawled under the couch. “There you are Mako!” His sister cried for joy. “Come here you little booger!” She said and did a fake smile. Mako’s clone looked just like him. Mako was satisfied. The fake Mako stood up and walked toward a man with black hair and green eyes. “Hey Mako! I’ve been so anxious to meet you!” Soku said. “The pleasures all mine.” Mako’s clone said. “Meeku told me so much about you.” Soku continued. “Oh really? What about?” “She told me that you’re very short for your age, your not very good at shadow clone jutsu, and your favorite game is scrabble.” Oh…so basically negative things…then again that sounds like Meeku. Mako thought. “Yep that’s me!” Mako’s clone did a fake smile. “Oh and these are my friends, Sora and Laurko!” The clone pointed to the two kids standing by him. “Nice to meet you!” Soku smiled and did the thumbs up sign. Oh boy he’s a weirdo. Mako thought.