Today is Valentine's Day! Another day to show my wife how much I love her. I am really, really happy today. Three days ago my wife started Gaia. Her avi name is Amanda Sue Jackrabbit. Check her out, she's a cutie. Right now she is asleep. As I watch her breath gently, I think about when we first met. You know when I heard the saying....'Love at first sight'...I thought that could never be possible. Well, let me tell you, it was. Right off the bat, when I first laid eyes on her, I knew God gave her to me. And sure enough it was of God! It took me a month to ask her out because of situations at that time. It was on a Saturday. We was going to go to a movie but instead we just sat in the park talking. I wanted to give her a good-night kiss, but I held back. Was I alittle scared? Hell yeah, I was! I had been hurt many, many times in the past and I did not want to be hurt again. You would had thought we would had taken it slow, but NO. We just could not be apart. Since then, we have been together ever since. I love Amanda so much. Happy Valentine's Day, my love.
Also I am happy today because as our Valentine's present, we got each other a digital camera and a printer. Well, actually, we ordered it yesterday and won't get it until next week. With both, I now can post pics of us and our family. Speaking of family, Happy V Day to everyone of you kids. We love you all.
Horizon Dude · Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 04:30pm · 0 Comments |