I really need to update this more. sweatdrop And I would like to dedicate this edition of online journalism to all of you who believe me to be dead. wink
Wow, where to start? Oh, yes, I am back with mom while I'm working to get my feet under me again. I barely made it living on my own this last year. Moving in with Anhalion was more of a setback rather than a step forward. For details visit my written works. Or you can just call me. ^^ Anyway, I never thought living at home with family would be so good. I have to admit we have grown closer to each other since I came back.
I could barely visit my family when I was out on my own. I came to realize how much I missed them. And they me. One strange relationship family-wise was with my older sister. While she's about 10 years my senior she is mentally disabled with the perpetual mind-set of a 12 year old, and before it was always a battle of wills. She because she was technically older so she should boss me around, and me, older in mind and far more independent. We argued like cats sometimes. But now it seems we have more of an appreciation for each other and have actually been setting aside one day a week where we can get lunch or she can try to whoop my a** in Disney Scene-it. ((And yes she manages to do it. heart ))
My relationship with mom is better too. Strangely enough we are getting along quite well. All rough edges we've had are smoothing off. She's realizing I'm not as fragile as she once thought and I'm realizing how much she really does for me. Again if you want comparisons just buzz me. I have stories that would curl your toes and split your hairs. wink
Anyway, we have this system of living where I don't have to pay rent, I just need to make sure things are cleaned up. And since I've developed an Obessive Compulsive Disorder from work and from living in that cesspool of an apartment I've kind of become a bit more picky about my living space. I'd probably start cleaning friends' houses too. lol Give the Coven a break at least.
So apart from cleaning, my jobs around here are to work, love the dog, and to take pills for polycystic ovarian syndrome. Yes, I was diagnosed in November and have been treating myself for it since. I'm glad to say I'm getting that under control and that I'm currently working on the side-effects. Hopefully it won't take me till summer. I'd like to enjoy sunlight a bit more. /vampire
Hm...let's see...I'm also doing the normal things like writing and the like. Oh, and also I'm working on my portfolio and applying to a private art university in California. It's taking a lot of work to do that I have to admit. sweatdrop I'm trying to get a variety of things in there to up my chances of being accepted. Also I'm planning a small trip to Cali to tour the campus in the summer with mom. i just need to figure out how I'm going to pay $8,000-11,000 a semester. crying
Ano...Ah! Yes! I got my PS2 working again so I can study graphics again! ((As you can tell this last year I was art suffocated.)) After I moved back in with mom, I was going through my boxes and I realized that a certain key set of cords were missing. A very mysterious disappearance I must say. Especially since I remember what box I put everything in. Oh well, nothing that couldn't be fixed by hopping down to GameStop and getting an employee discount on my purchases and free stuff via Dianne! I heart that girl so much. I got a Shin-Ra box!
Hm...and anything else pertinent to know? *thinks* Hm, well I've been dating a bit too, so that's been fun. Lot's of fun blowing up the kitchen. whee
Anyway, that's my current update! Love you all and I'll try to buzz around more often!
Karidys · Mon Apr 07, 2008 @ 09:09pm · 2 Comments |