So a friend of mine is on the internet and I ask him what he is doing. He says that he is on Nation States. I ask him what it is about and he says that it is an online Rp based on a book. You create your own nation and run it how ever you see fit. You can choose from different styles of government including: Empire, Rogue Nation, Kingdom, Armed Republic, Confederacy, Dictatorship, Allied States, and many, many more. It's confusing as hell in the beggining but after a few days or weeks (depending on how active you are) you finally start to get the hang of it. It's alot of fun. Each day you are given an issue that the government is having. It is up to you to decide what to do about the issue, or you can just dismiss it and let them figure it out for themselves. xd You can even go to war on Nation States! I haven't gotten that far yet. sweatdrop I joined a raider army! twisted Much fun will soon be had by me.
Wanna see the action for yourself? go to
digidestined · Wed Aug 03, 2005 @ 05:46pm · 2 Comments |