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A Little Catch from the Sea...
~God is the Universe...and the Universe is You~
One Fish...My Spirituality
There are so many things that I want to be. I really want to be a strong spiritual leader, but I just don't know if what I have to say will make an impact. I mean, I write well, I just don't say it well, and I'd love to give advice, except I don't know if I'd answer their question or give them enough advice or the advice they wanted.

All I can do is write like this, in a little journal like atmosphere. This way, anyone can read it, and they can see whether or not they like it. I do my best, and God always seems to show me wonderful things, so...I can't complain.

n e way! I'ts a beautiful day here in Solon Ohio! I'm getting ready to leave for my Dad's so....there's really nothing else on my mind right now, so.....God Bless! Love the Eternal....

God is not a fashion exclaim ..... heart GOD IS EVERYTHING heart ....
