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View User's Journal

Den of Madsters
Describe my day or my life you don't like it don't read it.
Please come back to me
I never meant anything bad i said
to you, you were the great one
I blew it it was my life, my friends,
my darling and i blew them all
Wonder if he's sad at all. Or if he's happy
with HIS this new girl.I can only imagine it.
If only my heart didn't crumble at his feet would i be safe from hurt?
If i never open up with i get strong and then able to stand on my own two feet. confront him and make sure i am never sad or ever mad.
--my life?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jun 10, 2008 @ 11:13pm
kinda sad.... i never hope you get this sad because of me again heart heart

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