The Story of The Teen Titans A long time ago, a baby boy by the name of Robin was orphaned after an evil man named Slade murdered his family. He was taken to the local orphanage, where they thought they could raise him to be normal, despite the loss. But one day, years later, he was adopted by a single man, "Batman". He was a fatherly figure, with no kids of his own. He had a mysterious past, but he seemed like the right type to raise little Robin (now 10). Batman, a rising star, a superhero, made Robin his sidekick. Robin embraced the thought of being a hero. "Alas, I can avenge my family!" he thought. But he was wrong. Robin was just someone to tag along to make Batman seem like a nice guy. but it was a disguise. No one knew of the villian inside the hero. When they would come home after each foe, Batman would molest Robin. Six years past, with torment and hell. Finally, Robin got up the courage to fight Batman and leave. Batman, growing old and weak, lost. Robin decided to form an alliance to defeat the Slade that brutally murdered his family. He recruited: Raven, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, all misfits that had one common bond. Friendship. Raven was a gothic, angsty teen who wanted nothing more than to escape the constant battles with her father and help to defeat the others like him. Starfire, a Tameranian from another planet, joined to have someplace called home, and to run away from her competetive sister, Blackfire. She too, was an orphan. She fit in perfectly. Cyborg, half man, half machine, joined when he was nearly destroyed in a terrible accident. Recreated with machine and the remaining body parts, he too agreed to ally himself with the others, to defeat Slade and the other villains. And lastly, Beast Boy. Beast Boy was a green-colored boy who could willingly change into any animal he wanted. He went to a prep school, but was bullied for being different, no matter how cool he really was. He left during the middle of school and never returned. He joined to defeat his personal foes, but realized that there were worse people than them. After they all formed that alliance, they agreed on a name: the Teen Titans.
VC Verse · Mon Aug 22, 2005 @ 04:01am · 4 Comments |