Notes that I took while watching Sozin's Comet for the second time. Just my short-hand commentary that I'm going to compile into a full review for all four parts. Enjoy my randomness.
Part 1: The Phoenix King
Katara: complete personality switch Sokka = professional stripper Zuko attacks = Yes. I love you, Zuko. Stop running, Aang! Face him! Awesome fire bending = hallway WAR MEETING Funny pun type things on phoenixes Group hugs. xD Seriousness of lightning. Yes. “I AM MELON LORD! MWAHAHAHA!” Sokka + decapitation = Disturbing + Momo Haru? XD Angry Aang = WIN. Reversal of roles since TSR. I so called the Lion Turtle thing. Who’s good? Me? Yeah, that’s right. Still weird to hear Zuko say Aang’s name. Toko goodness. I feel bad for Toph b/c she didn’t get a good field trip. What’s with Katara and Toph outfit changing? Toph = season 3 voice of reason. Yes. “Get out of the bison’s mouth, Sokka.” TRUSTZUKOGAIZ. Pouty!Azula. XD Ozai = liar/manipulator or protecting his daughter? Zuko is smarter than everyone gives him credit for. He’s a bloody genius. ‘Nuff said.
Part 2: The Old Masters
Appa x Nyla OTP. Toph & Zuko used to bad hygiene? I screamed when I saw Jeong Jeong. Roku: Kill him, Aang. Grampakku FTW! Pakkanna is CANON! “All old people know each other.” Order of the White Lotus = OotP? lol Bumi is attached to Momo, it seems. Kyoshi: Kill him, Aang. “Only justice will bring peace.” Bumi -- EPIC EARTHBENDING WITH HIS FACE!!! Rock smiley face! =D “I’m going to pretend I didn’t pretend to hear that.” Kuruk: Kill him, Aang. Glad to hear his voice. ^^ I love Zuko and Katara’s friendship. Reminds me of me and John. Yangchen: Kill him, Aang. Glad to hear her voice, too. I loved her the most. Sounds like what Yue did. First moment to make me sob = Zuko + Iroh Neverending Story, anyone? Morla the Ancient One. father lord? XD Zuko and Katara teaming up = yes! Darkness/light ---> kind of sounds Kingdom Hearts-y
Part 3: Into The Inferno
And thus begins Azula’s true step into madness. My initial thought: she’s going to keep banishing people until there’s no one left. I feel kind of bad for Toph; this entire huge event, yet she can’t tell what’s going on. Azula = paranoid, yet why is she so scared of dying when she can easily break out a can of a**-whoop? Toph = the new Iron Man? Sokka = party pooper. I feel bad for the guy who’s birthday it is. As much as I hate Ozai…he’s hot. Lo and Li AREN’T FIREBENDERS?! Old people for the ******** win! Pian Dao OWNS! JEONG JEONG FLOATING ON FIRE?! “All right, hair. It’s time to face your doom!” Azula is afraid of love. That is my conclusion. AMAZING SCENERY. [********] So that’s where Azula learned how to fly. His fagtag keeps growing. o_o Toph can’t see. I feel terrible for her. I prayed that Suki died. I teared up when Sokka protected Toph. YES ZUKO. BE THE FIRELORD. Hyperventilating during this entire fight. Good random waterfall guys. HIT HIM AANG! AANG?! WHAT THE ********?! More hyperventilating/tearing up/praying Zuko will live I’m surprised she can lightning bend w/ inner turmoil OMFG ZUKO NO! start sobbing uncontrollably.
Part 4: Avatar Aang
Start crying when Sokka broke his leg and Toph was dangling…and their grip on each other was slipping. Moustache grab! ElementalballFTW! He’s got the elements Bumi, you are too awesome for words. srsly. I love you, Iroh. I wish you could have come back sooner. Ball!Aang chasing Ozai = a bit boring ZUKO! More crying on my part… Azula laughed like Vicky. Katara is probably the most inventive bender in the entire show. Really. DON’T DIE ZUKO! PLEASE! I feel so sad for Azula…I started crying for her… Most superb animation in the history of American cartoons. I knew he wouldn’t kill him. So, Aang learned from Toph. Good. Scariest part of the entire four episodes… I thought they would die/turn into stone. A fitting punishment for Ozai. I am very pleased with this. Sokka’s still got his funny facial expressions/lame jokes. Ozai = faceplant + drooling ---> LULZ GO AWAY MAI. NOW. Zuko and Aang have matching scars. Where ya been, Hakoda?! Love you, Ty Lee. Prison is good for some people. Where is Chit Sang? Started crying when Zuko & Aang hugged. Continue crying… Zuko…I love you so much… Firelord Zuko…continuing my crying… WHERE THE ******** IS URSA?!?! Aww, Iroh…your tea shop…continue crying… Tsungi horn…borderline sobbing… lol at Sokka’s awful painting skills. Toph’s blind jokes. More sobbing from me. …It’s over… I can’t stop crying…
Chibi Pierceye · Sun Jul 20, 2008 @ 08:05am · 3 Comments |