*Tiger hums the circus theme*
...I have nothing to say... really... Just really, really bored...
Um... I took more pics of me today... Some are on myspace (my www... if any of my friends are on myspace too, add me blaugh ) The rest are here...
Yeah, I realize that the quality sucks... You'll get over it wink
Um... it's a three day weekend, I don't hafta go to school tomorrow, yet I'm sitting here at a mere 12:18 falling asleep in my chair o.O;; WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO!!!??? gonk
Gaia is getting on my nerves a bit... When I'm bored, I read people's Journals... unfortunately, the Journal listing ish not working properly xp Ah, well...
Let's see... talk about school, maybe? Um... Well, I've gone to AHS for my whole HS career, and every so often, we have "random" book bag searches... I have never been picked... until Friday... AND I KNOW WHY TOO! It's cause I'm not carrying an Eeyore canvas bag... and it's not tiny xp PROFILING I TELL YOU!!! Needless to say, I had nothing of interest... As I was leaving, I said, "See? I have nothing interesting... I bring BOOKS to school, what a concept." ...Dotterer thought it was funny, but Benjamin has no sense of humor xp Once in first period, Dotterer showed up late, and said "Sorry, I was busy violating student's personal rights."
I don't like the new security head officer guy stare We have a new rule... No cell phones... at all. Because it's a "security issue" because kids have supposedly taken pics of tests stare I have news for you, if they try and take my phone, I'm gonna take a fit... it's OLD. It can't take any pics. At all. They also won't let Be-chan use her Electronic Japanese Dictionary, because they say it's a "lap top." ...Even though it's a DICTIONARY.
OK, I'm not gonna rant anymore ^_^ Let's see... what are some GOOD things going on...? Hmm... Well, in general, I'm happy. I feel like I'm complaining, when I have no right to. I mean, look at what's going on in La. and Al... OH! THAT'S SOMETHING! We had a sub in Yearbook, and do you know what she had the NERVE to say? "Those people in La. aren't starving... they could survive for two weeks without food. They're just spoiled." This... woman, who's doing weight watchers, has the NERVE to say that... All I could think was "Well, why don't YOU go down there, and spend a week with no food or water and in that filthy water??" But somehow, I managed to bite my tounge stare
I know that America sucks in a lot of ways... but I wouldn't live anywhere else. I think people need to realize the freedoms and privileges that they enjoy every day, without a thought. Reading 1984 and A Brave New World can really make you appreciate it. So will having teachers like Mr. Hudgins and Mrs. Layton...
*shrugs* I'unno. That's just how I feel. You can agree or disagree... you have the freedom to do that, and I can't change your mind for you.
lol! OK, I'm all right, I promise ^_^ As I said, I'm very happy, almost feel like floating... Hmm. biggrin At the moment, I'm not giving you a reason why... plus, there's more than one reason, and I can't think of them all sweatdrop
Ooh... creepy de ja vou... o.O;;
ANYWAY! Uh... Um... That's all I can think of at the moment... if you read all this, post a comment with a random word... like... Oh, I dun know... thumb tac. Or, you choose one ^_^ I just miss having comments crying
Quote: "In a different dimension, I'd be considered normal..."
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