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my life by darkmonkey07 i'm dark and this book is about my life or the lack of it the way i'm going :sweat:

Community Member
*sigh* hey anyone that reads this
I've been feeling really upset and sad recently...
I met this sweet girl who actually likes me for who i am, a techo obssessed bedroom hermit
we talked for ages and seemed to have a lot of things in common aside from she lived in america
she said that she's coming to england for a holiday in a year or so and would come vist me, which made my day
a couple days later she asked me on gaia to get out avi married which I joyfully accepted and we were both happy together and i thought I had finally found a girlfriend
it went downhill after that
we slowly stopped talking to each other and she stopped responding to my PMs
I thought she had just been busy and been away from any kind of internet but i noticed she comes on sometimes but still doesn't talk to me
yesterday I checked her profile and noticed she talked to another guy a lot and seemed to like each other a lot which just broke my heart knowing she just forgot about me and went after some other guy...

so thank you if your reading this
thank you for raising my hopes of finally getting a girlfriend and then smashing them beyond repair