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Skylar's Randomness
just me in my everyday life
Headaches, Music, and Death Note Oh Joy
I was feeling creative with the title ^^. Anyway I got to go to the mall today. It felt kinda awkward cause my parents let me walk around on my own. So I stopped into FYE Hot Topic and The Chocolate Factory. First, at FYE I got the Tokio Hotel CD "Scream" ^^ I've been waiting to get that one. Looking around a little more I went to the back of FYE to see what kind of anime stuff they had there and taught some girls there alittle about the Japanese snacks they had in stock (mostly some kinda of soda and those chocolate filled koala bears that I haven't had in FOREVER). I got a Death Note Keychain there too ^^. Moving on to Hot Topic. I walked in and say the guy that works at the Hot Topic at the mall I usually go to (The mall I was at was a little to far away for me) and he found it interesting to follow me around till I found something I wanted which was a Death Note Shirt. Before I was done however he found it funny to take my CD and hide it in his vest. He tried to do that with some of my manga once too so I'm use to it. He also tried to follow me out of the store (He has followed me out before). Then I went to the chocolate factory and got a cookie. That melted in the car while my parents were switching cell phones. I felt like I was going to pass out in Burger King cause I left my glasses at home and my eyes no like that. Ended up having to wait till I got home to put them on. My head ache is gone now though.

I know this was long and boring but I wanted something to talk about so NYA.