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Emily - A Poem
Did I tell you?
About the time...
When I lay awake,
Well past nine?

My mouth was open,
But no sound it made...
As I lay there,
Scared and afraid.

And when my tears began to fall
Pouring down,
And drowning all...
I thought of her.

And the memories are all too real.
They make me remember...
They make me feel.

And always she is in my head.
I want her gone...
I want her dead.

I need her to hear my plea.
To cease this torture,
And leave me be.

I cannot live like this for long,
My will is weak
And isn't strong.

So a riddle I shall leave for thee...
Dare ye enter...
And save me?

From this fate I have in mind...
Of coloured ribbons,
String and twine...

And as the leaves begin to fall...
Becoming scarce...
Till none at all...

I shall hang there.
Motionless and limp,
Without a care.

My feet dangling
In the air...
I'll be dead.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Fiadh Artemisia
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Sep 16, 2008 @ 04:54am
thats amazing mrgreen

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 16, 2008 @ 04:55am
i'm so sorry u feel that way and i wish i could be there for u... i know ur will for living if faiding fast and i don't have much time to try to save u if possible. i can only show u wat others have gone through and the pain they have felt so u don't feel alone. every vid i send u is very real and i know manny that have gone through the exact same thing but ech time is different

here is a vid i had in one of my other avi's journal entry wen i was super depressed but that vid was so beyond my hurt that i relized it wasn't that bad i how i wish noone will ever have to be that far gone, and broken that they would wish up this vid


Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 27, 2008 @ 02:53am
Nuuuuuuu sad
id save you.. *huggles*
wow hun ur really torn up..god i want to help so bad

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