Weird Dream (Certainly not the First) |

Okay, it's really messed up, because the order in which I tell you all things might be backwards, forwards, or chronologically incorrect.
Okay, so there's this carnival, and there's rides, and it's at night. There's these two guys who have dressed up like a horse and are giving people rides. At some point, I end up riding the 'horse' so to speak, and some jackass starts clapping and laughing and taunting because he can see up my skirt during the ride.
So, when I get off the horse, I beat him to a bloody pulp. I have blood all over my legs and thighs and he's bleeding from his face. None of the crowd seemed to really give a damn either way. I also remember I was searching for Dave and I found him in the forest near the carnival.
He was like "what happened?" when he saw the blood and I was like "It's not mine, don't worry about it", and I think we might have passed the guy whose face I'd punched in, and he might have been whimpering.
I remember asking someone where Dave was, might've been Kyle. I think Kyle might've been there. Anyhow, there's this thing we have to buy candy for, so Krysta (who randomly appears somehow, I don't remember) and I go to a local supermarket place and get some bulk candy that by the time it goes through the scanner looks like raw meat in nice little rectangles.
I had to pay with a bunch of pennies, and I also got some tic tacs and other things. The guy at the register said that I'd paid with too many pennies though, and they had to hold onto my raw meat candy thing until Michael Jackson had counted the pennies and found them to be the right amount, so I was like "..okay" and took my tic tacs and stuff with Krysta in tow.
THEN, we went into this church and there was a 3-D screen where they were showing kind of Hallowe'en stuff, it was something to scare us by showing us hell, maybe.
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Fri Sep 23, 2005 @ 04:18am · 0 Comments |