Tiger doesn't really know... o.O
Might as well update, ja? I recently updated my MySpace Blog, if you want to read inner things o.O
Let's see... So freakin glad I'm a senior ^o^ Now, I just need a job... I like money $_$ Money is my friend... @.@ lo,, don't mind me, I'm not quite awake... But at least tomorrow is Friday! =D And, me n Emmy got out of the prep rally! XD
My mom told me today that I was dressed like a goth o.O I can't help it! I got new black jeans, and my favorite Bruno shirt (which is also black), and, since those were both balck, I had to wear black shoes, or it would've bugged me o.O Oh well mrgreen I just thought it was funny ^_^
It was 'popped collar day' in school for spirit week rolleyes That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of, honestly XP I mean, here was the days: Monday: Hat/College day Tuesday: Tacky day Wednesday: Hip-hop/Athletic day Thursday (Today): Popped collar day Friday: Green and White day Now then, instead of some of those... interesting days, we could've had past day (pick a decade), or mourning day, or GQ day (I would've liked that one ^_^) But no. We have popped collar day XP
The kids in my peer helping class... are just... not smart... at all really. On a test with 47 questions, not one of them made a 100... in other classes, there were bunches of them! In this class... there were a couple of kids who missed 40 or 41! :O Out of 47! -_-;;; The least missed was... 4? or 7, I forget.
I have nothing else really to say, so I guess I'll say this: Maturity is overrated rolleyes G'Night folks! biggrin
Oh, yes, and I think, that every time you click this, you should post a different comment biggrin Like... first 'duck,' then 'pie' then 'disk' then 'jump rope' then 'side walk' then 'driveway' then 'parkway' ...Why is it that we drive on a parkway and park on a drive way? o.O Huh... lol, seriously, bye not ^_^
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"
Community Member
And they say my fear of doctors is crazy talk!