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Skylar's Randomness
just me in my everyday life
Avatar Art for Sale
I am willing to do avatar art for people
I am still working on trying to open the actual shop but I need gold now so here are my prices
Chibi-ish(knee up)- 4000
Chibi (full body)- 6000
Normal (waist up)-6000
Normal (Knee up)- 8000

For each extra avi it's 2000 gold

I can color them on photo shop too but then you would have to add about 4000 gold to the price and I never know when Im gonna be done with it the coloring on photo shop is the reason I am delaying the shop opening

Here is my deviant art account
PM me your orders and a breif description of what you want your pic to look like and if you have a referance pick to what you want it to look like that would be great. Also I will nedd a pick of how you want your avi.

Thank you