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Dark and Light memories
my journal of good memories and bad memories, you'll find alot of both
Surgery and aftermath
Well this is a story to tell stare ...last week i had surgery to take my appendix out a week before that my stomach hurt really bad! crying We thought it was the stomach flu but my side ached for days...turns out my appendix burst and was spreading poison into my body i nearly died but luckily we did the smart thing and went to the hospital, we didnt know about my appendix when we went to the hospital, but three hours later we found out and i had to have surgery immediately. Our stay at the hospital lasted 5 days and that was like a trip to hell. Here's why- i had absolutely NO sleep, my stomach hurt like hell, and the nights were long and hard. Now we get out, i have a tube in my stomach draining out the poison from my body and AGAIN long nights and no sleep. But today...time to get the tube out..... crying well we had to wait in the waiting room for an hour then 10 minutes in the room then next thing i know, i get a needle to the stomach TWICE to numb it then he has to get the tube out....he yanked it out crying i nearly screamed it hurt so bad and all the way home i was crying and breathing heavy. Now im home and still breathing heavy, took me 20 minutes to actually start calming down rolleyes . Now this has been the worst 3 weeks in my entire life, luckily its almost over,

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 01:14am

Poor you!!
Hope you feel better though.
Well at least your alive..
and away from the trip to hell.

Community Member

Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 03:04am

O_O holycrap that really sucks!! well glad it is all over with and that you survived 3nodding

Community Member

Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 12:25am

wow, i have two... now three... friends that had to have their appendix taken out. i'm happy that you're still alive.

User Comments: [3]