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View User's Journal

Dark and Light memories
my journal of good memories and bad memories, you'll find alot of both
Random 'quiz'
This is just something my friend told me to post in my journal so here it is copy and paste it and answer them in a journal comment if you want...its fun to anser questions in my opinion unless i dont know how to answer them...>.>; anywho heres the 'quiz'

AM I moody?-
Am I sweet?-
Am I crazy?-
Am I lovable?-
Am I funny?-
Am I ugly?-
Am I psycho?-
Am I annoying?-
Am I a good person?-
Am I weird?-
2)******Would You******
Hug me?-
Kiss me?-
Marry me?-
Miss me if i was gone?-
Listen to my problems?-
Hug me if i cried?-
Be a good friend?-

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) -
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?-
Do one thing with me it would be?-
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?-
What do u hate about me?-
What is my best quality?-

1. Who are you?-
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)-
3.are you in love with me?-
4. Are we good friends?-
5. Do we know each other in real life?-
6. Am I hot?-
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)-
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?-
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-

User Comments: [5]
Community Member

Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 03:34am

AM I moody?- everyone is at some point...
Am I sweet?- sometimes xD
Am I crazy?- sometimes, but aren't we all?! =P
Am I lovable?- yes
Am I funny?- yes
Am I ugly?- no
Am I psycho?- we all are
Am I annoying?- no
Am I a good person?- yes
Am I weird?- the word "normal" doesn't exist. we all are weird. =P
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- sure
Kiss me?- no
Marry me?- no
Miss me if i was gone?- yes very. cry
Listen to my problems?- yes. i will always be here for you so feel free to spill out your guts to me. =)
Hug me if i cried?- sure
Be a good friend?- sure

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- no clue xD uh Skyler? no idea! xD
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - idk
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- i don't pay attention to celeberties...i only watch the movies...i could careless about the actual actor/actress...sorry =P
Do one thing with me it would be?- stalk twisted
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- that you are never alone even if at times you feel that way 3nodding sorry not really good at giving advice...when i figure out one to give...ill let you know... sweatdrop

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- you are always there when i need to talk to you and you make me feel better =)
What do u hate about me?- lol actually i haven't figured that one out yet... xD
What is my best quality?- you are funny xD

1. Who are you?- a person =P
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- no
3.are you in love with me?- no
4. Are we good friends?- i think we are =)
5. Do we know each other in real life?- no
6. Am I hot?- your a beautiful person no matter what 3nodding
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)- lol i would rather use the word cool xD
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?- rock. alternative rock. i don't really know what kind of ill just say rock 3nodding
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- *shrugs* if you want me to i guess so.

Community Member

Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 12:32am

AM I moody?-no
Am I sweet?-yes
Am I crazy?-yes
Am I lovable?-yes
Am I funny?-yes
Am I ugly?-no
Am I psycho?-no
Am I annoying?-no
Am I a good person?-yes
Am I weird?-no
2)******Would You******
Hug me?-yes
Kiss me?-yes
Marry me?-yes
Miss me if i was gone?-yes
Listen to my problems?-yes
Hug me if i cried?-yes
Be a good friend?-yes

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?-I don't know I like your name
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) -Willo my BFFL
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?-Kiera Knightly
Do one thing with me it would be?-watch a movie of your choice
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-Be yourself around the girl you like

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?-that your funny,nice,and you listen to my problems
What do u hate about me?-that your never online when I'm online when I'm at an all girl place
What is my best quality?-that you always cheer me up when I had a bad day at school

1. Who are you?-Lindsey
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)-maybe not sure
3.are you in love with me?-don't know
4. Are we good friends?-yes
5. Do we know each other in real life?-no
6. Am I hot?-idk
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)-yes
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?-rock
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-yes

Community Member

Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 12:23am

AM I moody?- i don't really know
Am I sweet?-sorta-ish
Am I crazy?-in a fun hyper way
Am I lovable?- ur a loveable friend mrgreen
Am I funny?- u could b ^^
Am I ugly?-no
Am I psycho?-lol, in a hyper way
Am I annoying?-no
Am I a good person?-yesh
Am I weird?-in a good way wink
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- maybe..... but i havent met u in real life
Kiss me?- no, i''d like to stay friends
Marry me?-no
Miss me if i was gone?-yeah
Listen to my problems?-yeah
Hug me if i cried?- of course
Be a good friend?- yup

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- ummm.... Jake, idk, i like that name
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - idk
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- idk, who do u like?
Do one thing with me it would be?-i'd like to meet you first ^^
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-ummmm, stay in school? idk

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- ur awesome
What do u hate about me?- nothing
What is my best quality?- i dont really know

1. Who are you?- somebody ninja
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- no
3.are you in love with me?- no
4. Are we good friends?-r we?
5. Do we know each other in real life?- sadly no sad
6. Am I hot?-
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)- it's cool
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?-i like every type of music
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- i already have this

The Sleepless Dreamer
Community Member

Tue Apr 21, 2009 @ 12:02am

AM I moody?- No
Am I sweet?- Ur nice smile
Am I crazy?- lol no.
Am I lovable?- idk.
Am I funny?- Yup 3nodding
Am I ugly?- No
Am I psycho?- Well, I don't think so...
Am I annoying?- Not at all
Am I a good person?- 3nodding
Am I weird?- Everyone ON PLANET EARTH IS WEIRD!!!!!!!! biggrin
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- idk
Kiss me?- No
Marry me?- Nooooooooooooooooo
Miss me if i was gone?- Yes sad
Listen to my problems?- Of course!
Hug me if i cried?- Sure.
Be a good friend?- Yup!

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- Hmmmmm........
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - Whoever you like smile
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- lol I agree with the chick above: Keira Knightley biggrin
Do one thing with me it would be?- Meet you in real life smile
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- Stay happy, you'll live longer! mrgreen

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- I like your personality and fascination for wolves. >=]
What do u hate about me?- Nothing.
What is my best quality?- There are many smile

1. Who are you?- I am me biggrin
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- Nope, I will cut myself open and bleed a river before being gay. Your an awesome friend though smile
3.are you in love with me?- I just answered this
4. Are we good friends?- Yup 3nodding
5. Do we know each other in real life?- Unfortunately, no cry
6. Am I hot?-
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)- No, but it's really awesome =3
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?- Alternative Rock biggrin
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- Sure! biggrin

Community Member

Fri Jun 19, 2009 @ 12:08am

AM I moody?- We have our moments. ^_^
Am I sweet?- Yesh. =D
Am I crazy?- We all are. xd
Am I lovable?- Yesh. =D
Am I funny?- Very funny. =D
Am I ugly?- No because there ish no such thing. ^_^ We are all handsome/beautiful.
Am I psycho?- Again we all are. xd
Am I annoying?- Nips. (No)
Am I a good person?- Great person. =D
Am I weird?- And again we ish all weird. XD
2)******Would You******
Hug me?- Yesh or glomp you. xd
Kiss me?- No
Marry me?- No
Miss me if i was gone?- Obviously. ^_^
Listen to my problems?- HELL YEA!! I love to help people out. =D
Hug me if i cried?- Obviously. ^_^ Or I would try to cheer you up.
Be a good friend?- Yesh. i try my hardest all the time. ^_^

3)******If You Could...******
Give me a new name it would be?- Kody. Because I know you like that name. =D
Hook me up with someone who would it be? (Not a celeb.) - No one because I'm no the kind of person who would choose people for you.
Hook me up with a celeb who would it be?- I don't know..
Do one thing with me it would be?- Being random and drawing our characters and stuff like that. =D
Drop me one piece of advice it would be?- Hmm..I'll think about it. ^_^

4)******Just A Few Questions******
What do u like about me?- Your awesome. Random. And caring. ^_^
What do u hate about me?- Hmmm..nothing.
What is my best quality?- Your caring and very fun.

1. Who are you?- Your buddy.
2. Do you have a crush on me?(not love just a normal average crush)- No.
3.are you in love with me?- No.
4. Are we good friends?- Yesh. =D
5. Do we know each other in real life?- Yesh. ^_^
6. Am I hot?- No. Because I don't look at people or you like that. Lolz
7. Is my avatar hot? (oO)- It's awshome.
8. Whats your fav. kind of music?- Many..
9. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?- Yesh. ^_^

User Comments: [5]