Sometimes a rogue lycan will go on a killing spree. For one reason or another, the clan will not or can not bring justice to the rogue, so many lycan clans have a working pact with an elete guild of centuars to hunt down and kill these dangerous creatures.
Centaurs are the perfect lycan hunters for several reasons. They can run faster than most lycans. They can see in the dark without tell-tale torches. Their hearing is par with the lycan. Most importnantly, they are immune to the lycan bite.
Few centaurs, and only stallions, become career lycan hunters, but their services and skills have successfuly brought down many dangerous lycans. When not hunting lycans, the centaurs are often commissioned for other dangerous mercenary work with rogue fae.
For my NanoWrimo Novel, this is one of my MC's love interest, Naomi. She's a lady-in-waiting for an evil king's daughter. She meets Tokori when he disguizes himself as a servant to try to spy on the king and instead ends up serving tea to the horrbile princess.
Tis is my other MC's love interest. Vi is a tallented streetrat who's better heart often gets in the way of making it big. She tries to con Lorn, but Lorn has already master most tricks of the street and catches her red handed.