i want boots JUST LIKE HERs but im too poor...im starting to hate everyone..im always crying...i dont understand...i want to KILL EVERYONE.....all the kids at my school are so ******** annoying i hate it when they tlk to me and i hate tlking...i hate walking...i hate breathing so okwardly...im prolly going to hell for hating so much...i want my own style i want to be able to express myself..i cant wear my make up the way i want i cant wear my hair the way i want i dont have any mony for boots or clothes..i hate my life i HATE JEREMY why am i so willing to live?! i can i actually think there's any hope or point for my "life" i HATE being 13!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE IT! why cant ANYONE leave me the ******** ALONE! what makes me so speshool?! EMO THEY SAY! EMO?! WTF IS EMO ANYWAY IT'S A CHEEP a** GOTHIC ******** POSER FAD! im not emo im not preppy im not jock! IM ME fine im gothic im an anarchist IM ME! to me gothic ISN'T a fad...its beautiful to me! its ART not something for STATS or POPULARITY no one even ******** KNOWS what it means to be GOTHIC! what it means to be in love with the dark art of DEATH!ITS NOT ABOUT VAMPIRES!! AND VAMPIRES ARN'T TURNED PPL! THEIR SPIRITS!! ******** DUMASSES!!! CANT U ******** SEE THAT! im NOT dark in heart! my heart is RED! its BLOODY its COLD its filled with HATE,AGONY,MISERY AND PAIN! how dare you say im EMO! how dare u TELL ME WHO I AM! my music...is not the devils music...its not ONLY for "goths" or emos or moshers! music is the only thing i have to express myself! it shows my ANGER AND PAIN! somone ******** PLZ stop the ******** MADNESS I HATE U ALL!   KISS MY GOTHIC EMO a**! THIS IS ART! DUZ ANYONE KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO LOOK LIKE THIS ART?! AND NOT SOME SLUT?! its a TRUE talent! THIS IS MY SOUL! THIS IS HOW I FEEL! this is how i feel when i feel beautiful this is my misery this is my lust how ******** ironic... this is my mind these are my tears MY PAIN! TORTURE! ...victory my spirit.. wrath scilence sex apeal my color pleasure i've tried this   
BunnXiLove · Thu Feb 19, 2009 @ 02:44am · 0 Comments |