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View User's Journal

My Chemical Imbalance
Hi. I'm lost. This is my journal.
I'd rather face the world alone than spend it with enemies.
I'd rather grin and bear it than make an ordeal out of it.
I'd rather stare and take it than fight back and create a newfound argument and personality.
I'd rather sit and wonder than go and ask.
I'd create rather than copy.
I'd probably sit and watch others accomplish than actually accomplish myself.
I'd fidget and fumble instead of handle it smoothly.
I wait and think instead of shooting back a reply.
I'd fit in versus attempt to stand out.
I'd take it personally, each remark bashing my feelings.
I'd pretend it didn't hurt.
I'd pretend to move on.

User Comments: [2]
Community Member

Thu Mar 19, 2009 @ 11:31pm

That was really really good!!! It sounds like it could be in the beginning of a TV show or movie and stuff. And I mean that in a good way! lol

Fashionista heart

Community Member

Fri Mar 20, 2009 @ 12:48am

I'd wait and think, too. It bugs the crap out of me when people believe that just because they're sharp-tongued and quick-witted, they're so much more intelligent. Sometimes fast action really means reckless impulse and rash judgment.

And thanks for the early birthday gift. It's appreciated. ^^

User Comments: [2]