And it feels like fear, Like I'll disappear. Gets so hard to steer, Yet I go on.
Action here. "Speech here." 'Thoughts Here'
Do we need debate, When it seems too late? Like I bleed but wait, Like nothing's wrong...
Dark Kiro "So clever, whatever, i'm done with these endeavors, Alone I walk the winding way, here I stay,"
Actions here "Speech here" "Spoken Through" 'Thoughts here'
"It's over, no longer, I feel him growing stronger I live to die another day. Until I fade away."
Circe The first to speak Is the first to lie
Actions here "Speech here" 'Thoughts here'
Burn the witch Burn to ash + bone
Xaron You can feel the pounding, wrapped around your chest-
Actions here "Speech here" 'Thoughts here'
Nothing's too excessive. 'CAUSE WE'VE GOT NOTHING LEFT
Actions here "Speech here" 'Thoughts here'

Signed, The Superior; Xemnas
AquilisNoctis · Sun Apr 12, 2009 @ 01:47am · 1 Comments |