I spent most of my Gaia gold on this dress I've been wanting to buy for a really long time. My birthday was on April 20. I am now 15. Wow, old. ^_^|| (Edit. May 14, 2010. I'm actually 13 now. I was 12 when I wrote this. Lol)
Spoilers** Well, I've been reading the manga Full Moon O Sagashite. I already finished the anime, and I've noticed there is a BIG difference between the two. I am currently on Volume 4. Wow, this is what you call a PERVY volume. Takuto starts getting near dear 12 year old Mitsuki... You know, he's sort of what makes the volume pervy. The same thing happened with Mitsuki's childhood friend who's dead, Eichi, the day before he left Japan. He was all like, "I don't like you as a friend.. I hope to love you as my girl..." eek 'Kay, she was 10 and he was 14. Still both sort of young for that. He kissed Mitsuki and she said NO!! and ran away. Same thing with Takuto. He hearts Mitsuki. whee LOL Random things that make me read shoujo manga.
April 20, 2009 4:49 PM Central Standard Time heart