MUST HAVE IT! awee i love this one!  ._.<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="cassetts Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>  just some of the things i like!! HE'S AN ACTUAL CELEBRITY!!! lol he's an emo artist..i didn't know their was such thing..he looks so gorgeous in this pic!! He is pres.of emoness :3 THIS CHICK IS AWESOME! I've watched all your movies Marilyn,Idol of my seduction! Your truly beautifully and you were always so ahead of your time! You weren't as skinny and most of those snobby rich bitches in that pageant yet you won! You showed America what a real women looks like! In memory of Marilyn Monroe,my Idol...We love you and adore you,we really do!! smile I'm way over him but he's still so hott! well thats it for now...scary story coming soon ._.
BunnXiLove · Thu May 14, 2009 @ 02:59am · 0 Comments |