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A Little Catch from the Sea...
~God is the Universe...and the Universe is You~
Two Fish...Life in the Past Three Months can def. remember the day my ex and I broke up. It was August 19. I'm not going into too much detail, but the only thing I'll say is that he cheated on me and I thought I could get over it but I couldn't and I had to break it off. started on August 22, and I rode the bus the first day, and who do I see the next day, my bus buddy Kevin Haimes. Well, we get to talking again and we eventually exchanged numbers and started talking and then we started going out on September 13. So we went to homecoming and we went other places...yada yada. Then my Dad broke up with my step-mom of 14 years. It was hard for me. But we still talk, Eve and I. We went out to lunch this past Saturday and really had a great time. I miss her. But my Dad also needed some space. So we stay with my g-ma now. It's fun there. Spending more time with the side of the family I never really was very used to. I had always been so close to my mom's side, but now I'm coming closer to my Dad's side. I love my whole family so no one's a fav. Okay...that's about all up untill now. I've been pretty good. I turned 16 in October. I was really excited. And Kev and I spent a day out in the snow, my winter wonderland, just because I wanted to...because he loves me.