Characters - Rave Cauchemar |
Rave Cauchemar

Age: Fifteen
Race: Gifted Human
Personality: Rave was cold and quiet, a gothic girl by anyone's standars. While she was antisocial, she loved her family and did everything she could to protect them from ANYthing. Many who messed with her mother, father or elder brother met early demises.
Sexuality: Straight Either, Virgin
Past: Rave was born in Downsville, Louisiana, though she wasn't a hick. Both she and her elder brother were...special. They could both morph into one animal and control one element.
Even though Rave preferred darker clothes, she was raised pretty normal. Loving her family, getting the best grades. Then, disaster struck. Her parents and she got into a car crash. Her parents were dead when the authorities arrived, while Rave only left with one scar.
They moved to Los Angeles with their only living relative, an aunt. Immediately, Chris was pulled into gang relations. Only, the gang was also strange, made up of only 'special' people, with powers.
In Rave's struggle to get involved with the gang as well, she ended up with a guardian, Jagger Drake, AKA Sandman. The two ended up falling in love, until an opposing specials gang forced Rave to flee the city.
Written description: Rave was 5'5 with black hair down to her waist and bicolored eyes, sapphire and amethyst/sapphire. She was pale and usually wore dark clothes and black make-up.
Powers: Rave was able to morph into a black wolf, her other consciousness named 'Folie'. Her element was darkness. If she touched another 'freak', she could absorb and use their powers, but it hurt immensely and she had limits.
Characters seen with: Pheonix, Jagger, Chris
Song: 37 Stitches, Drowning Pool
OverlordLunacy · Tue Jun 09, 2009 @ 08:21pm · 0 Comments |