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View User's Journal

Entries will be very few due to the fact I have a journel that I can actually write in. *Warning contents of this journel are not for everyone due to unpredictable entries viewer discretion is advised*
For every breath taken a heart beat must stop. For every kiss shared a life is taken by it's owner. Tragedy races through the world and still the rain will fall. Where I stand my heart still beats and I'm not taking that breath nor am I sharing a kiss long desired. I stand in that falling rain, a place where everything stands still. I'm on the ground wanting to cry but the tears do not shear. I'm looking to the dark sky hoping someone will take my hand. On hands and knees I force myself to stand only to fall back down again. This is how I see myself inside but what I display is a shy girl with glasses wearing normal cloths. She has a quiet laugh and gives a gentle smile when smiled at. Doing her school work she is always the first to raise her hand to a question and the last to enter any room for she holds the door for others. Please someone see past her eyes and into my cold world. Help me release my tears and sorrow. Pull me up and embrace my broken body. I have been waiting to see your smile and hear your pure voice. Don't leave me this way and please be my... santcuary