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Dark and Light memories
my journal of good memories and bad memories, you'll find alot of both
random 2
Once again, sorry stephy stole this from you journal again out of boredom >.>


What's your given name (first and middle)? Kody James ( sweatdrop )
What's your nickname(s)? Shaow, Fallen, or X at times
What's your LEAST favorite nickname(s)? Ginka (long story)
What's your FAVORITE nickname(s) or what you prefer to be called? Shaow
Do you know anyone with your name? yup
Do you like your name? sorta
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Dakota
What's the coolest name of someone you know? Endia
What's the coolest name of a celebrity or someone you've heard of? Heath Ledger so awesome :3
If you found out that you were going to have a kid tomorrow, what would you name it if it was a boy? Louis
A girl? Kara
Were you named for anyone? not that i know of
What was your name going to be if you were the oppostite gender? Kara lol


Book? Warriors series
Subject? Reading
Sandwich? pickle sandwich >w>
Music? i dont know, lots of music.
Color? black, dark red, blood red, and other dark colors
Website? gaia and Deviantart
Game? Kingdom Hearts and Devil may cry series
Day of the week? friday
Season? spring
Sport? i hate sports
Quote? "It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew, and when someone you love becomes someone you hate."
TV Show? Lost Tapes
TV channel? Nick
Swear word? ......Hell if i know, i dont really use swear words rolleyes
Ice cream? Cookie dough
Flower? rose
Food? Ham
Animal? ...just one?...aww...never... Wolves, White Tigers, other tigers, and Snow Leopards :3

*Would you ever...*

Eat a bug? no
Kill someone? ....i would have to say...yes
Change clothes in front of an open window? no
Sing in public? Hellz NO!!
Dance naked in public? ..o.e no
Commit a crime? well if i killed someone that would be a crime so i guess
Eat a cupcake whole? yes :3
Put pineapple on your pizza? NEVER!!
Call your crush and hang up? dont have a crush
Call your crush and tell him you like him or her? dont have a crush never will

*Which of your friends...*

Is the funniest? Zane
Do you tell your dreams to? Zane and Endia
Do you tell your fears to? Zane
Do you go to for advice? Zane
Knows everything about you? Zane
Do you tell your secrets to? Sometimes Zane and Ashley/Vamp
Is the most shy? i think Zane =/
Is the loudest? Logan
Can't you live without? Zane, Ashley/Vamp and Endia
Is the most trendy? none of them
Can be the most annoying? Logan
Lives the farthest away from you? Zane
Lives closest to you? Endia
Are you most like? Zane
Met from the internet? Ashley/Vamp
Get drunk? none

User Comments: [2]
lil tortilla girl
Community Member

Sat Jul 04, 2009 @ 07:47am


What's your given name (first and middle)? Kimberly
What's your nickname(s)? Kim,Kimi/Kimy,Kimbo,Kimiko,Renotard,and mooore
What's your LEAST favorite nickname(s)? Bird Girl xD
What's your FAVORITE nickname(s) or what you prefer to be called? Kim,Kimi,Renotard
Do you know anyone with your name? Pfft,yeah.xD
Do you like your name? Yesh
If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I dunno. I want it asian. Mebbe Kimiko?
What's the coolest name of someone you know? Kaname
What's the coolest name of a celebrity or someone you've heard of? Reno xD
If you found out that you were going to have a kid tomorrow, what would you name it if it was a boy? ugh thats tough one. Damian?
A girl? another toughie. D: ummm Yuuki >.< I love that name biggrin ..yeah it's asian razz
Were you named for anyone? I dunno.
What was your name going to be if you were the oppostite gender? Damian [pfft,thats mexican xDD...Kimberly isnt mexican either. xD]


Book? Manga...MANGA
Subject? Band and Art
Sandwich? Ummm...idk Subway? xDD
Music? Anything as long as I like it,of course. biggrin
Color? black,red,purple,green,blue,white...dark colors as well biggrin
Website? Gaia,DeviantART,ummm...Facebook?
Game? Final Fantasy,Kingdom Hearts,Devil May Cry,Series
Day of the week? Friday
Season? Winter
Sport? Badminton
Quote? "Endings are new beginnings." [I love that qoute you have kody]
TV Show? I watch Anime Mangs,but I guess...NINJA WARRIOR
TV channel? G4
Swear word? xDDDDD Oh god. I haven't sweared for a long while. I dunno
Flower? Rose
Food? Asian Food..[Or Alex's Asian Noodles. <3]
Animal? Wolf,Bat,Tigers,Birds,Moooooore OOOO I LIKE GIRAFFES TOO biggrin

*Would you ever...*

Eat a bug? depends...
Kill someone? depends
Change clothes in front of an open window? No.
Sing in public? I've done it before so yeah (:
Dance naked in public? xD;
Commit a crime? depends
Eat a cupcake whole? Yesh 3nodding
Put pineapple on your pizza? Hawiian Pizza. <3 xD I've done it. biggrin
Call your crush and hang up? NEVER!!! I'm friends with him already. biggrin
Call your crush and tell him you like him or her? I dunno. .-.

*Which of your friends...*

Is the funniest? Jeanette!!!
Do you tell your dreams to? Jeanette sometimes others
Do you tell your fears to? Jeanette
Do you go to for advice? J.J,Jeanette,Angela
Knows everything about you? J.J...Jeanette..mebbe James and Heather
Do you tell your secrets to? ...Jeanette
Is the most shy? Mebbe James or Heather...probably James
Is the loudest? ...Jeanette
Can't you live without? James,Heather,Jeanette,J.J,Angela,Alex,AND Internet peeps. <3
Is the most trendy? Gangster xD
Can be the most annoying? J.J
Lives the farthest away from you? James no wait....Someone ;w;
Lives closest to you? J.J [4 houses away xD;]
Are you most like? Jeanette...mebbe Alex
Met from the internet? Angela,Kody,Kyle,Brandon,Alex[it's another one.],Richard,soooo many more!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH I CN PROBABLY KILL YA'LL WITH MY LOVE> XDDD
Get drunk? ...I dunno. Mebbe Angela? xD

Formerly known as:
Mother of Monarchs
La Choupinette
Rad Insanity
Adela de Tristesse

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Jeff Goldblum is D A D D Y

Community Member

Mon Jul 20, 2009 @ 12:13am

O:! omg! u have a pic of roxas on ur sig =3

User Comments: [2]