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hinaten's random crap and such. blah blah blah random crap. ^.^

the smexy blue kitty
Community Member
The girl in the water.
As she awoke she saw the light shining in the trees over head. She jumped up quickly and readyed her self for any attack. As she looked around she saw no one near her. She looked tword the river in the distance. Her thirst overtook her sences and she ran tword it. At the waters edge she droped to her knees and began to cup the water in her hands and drink deeply. The water was smooth and cool as it went down her throte.
After she had drank her fill she peered at her reflection in the water. Her long dirty blonde hair fell around her face framing it, her deep blue eyes shined with the days warmpth, her high cheek bones were flushed, and her slinder figure was stunning in her light blue dress. The dress was worne and tatered but it still made her all the more beautful. At her waist hunge by a belt was a sword. A sword that had seen many battles and many victrios.
That sword was her fathers. When he died she was left to fend for herself, her mother had passed at her birth so there were no sisters or brothers to help her along. She had only used the sword once herself, last night in fact. Not to harm anyone of course, she was to gental and loving to harm anything or anyone. Last night she had come across a boy, around seventeen or eightteen, around her own age, and he spoke to her in way that frightened her. In a way that she had never herd a boy speek to her. it was with kind words.
(to be continued)