This is what my B-Day says about me! >.<
Color: Pink Number: 15, 24, 33 Stone: Rhodochrosite - A love stone that soothes and heals Flora: Daffodi Animal: Siamese Cat Occupation: Singer, entertainer, actor Key Features: Larger than life, intesne, outrageous Naturally good at: going over the top.
Character – You're a wild one; you go to extremes and have a huge personality. You need to be loved and adored and can be obssessive in relationships. You will pursue a love interest to the end of the earth, but ironically, if you catch them you may lose interest.
Life Path – All the world's a stage, and you're darn sure you're going to get a leading role. you adore dressing up, love to party, and exude enthusiasm. your friends admire your zeal and sheer stanima. you refuse to lead a sensible exsistence and are a legend of your own lifetime.
Love - Love is a drug to you and you just can't get enough. You hunt, you chase, you pounce, and if you're interested it is virtually impossible for your pray to get away. You may like to try a libra, who has your birthdate ruler, venus, as their ruling planet.
"Discovering my Personality" by Lady_Arson
1.Think about your fav animal and 3 things it makes you feel. Bunny - Happy, warm, playful
2. Think about your fav color and 3 things it makes you feel. Calm, cool, serenity
3. Think about your favorite body of water? (it can be a puddle, the bath tub, the ocean, lake, pond ect) how does it make you feel, in 3 words. Refreshing, calm, relaxed
4.You are alone trapped in a white room, there are no windows, no doors, nothing...it is all white? how do you feel? 3 words. Scared, alone, dead xd
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.tells you about what you think about you.
2. tells you what your friends think about you.
3.tells you what you think about life.
4. tells you what you think about death.
Her personal Opinion::
I believe you are a little skittish, and probably perverted at times. You have a very positive outlook on your peers and others around you. You find it easy to smile and be happy when you are with others. You probably have a friend or family member who you are completely inseparable to. If they were to leave it would feel like you would be dead. You view death as a finality, then end to everything ad that well...scares you.
*She is sooo accurate!!! >_> it scares mehh!! gonk *
Haikus made for ME! biggrin
by: Frantic Femme Fatale
pandas like to dance and sometimes they throw balloons sometimes they play chess
The Amazon_Chik might be a super hero hiding in CB
by: xbillxdt
o i c u r has a small bear on your head he pooped on your neck
POETRY FOR ME By: D o l l i R u n t
There once was an Amazon Chick Who was cooler than a magic trick She lived in the forest Along with Chuck Norris And was happy as a fish stick
What type of gnome am I? "You are one of my personal favorites, you are the ear flicker gnome. you hide on people's shoulders and flick their ear's" by H O L Y E R R O R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is my dream avi!! =D I hope you can help me with it!! If you can donate any items from here or my wish list! =D
 Total Value: 725,309 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: TLDR Hat Gothic Veil Hermes' Moon Snow Witch Kitty Slippers Longcat Scarf Striped Stockings Ebony Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top Pora Ice (on my head) 3rd gen. KiKi Kitty Plushie Pixie 4th Anniversary Blue Roman Candle Angel Imp Plushie Angel Imp Potion
This is just an avi I made for a contest.. the first one actually! >.< and I really like it!! XPP help please? =)
 Total Value: 1,360,380 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: KiKi Kitty Plushie Elegant Blue Lace Fan August Birthstone Crown Hermes' Moon Jenny Doll Oculus Magica White Flow Prom Dress Fallen Wish 8th Gen. White Fae Boots Angelic Wind
Amazon_Chik · Wed Jul 22, 2009 @ 06:10pm · 0 Comments |