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View User's Journal

Entries will be very few due to the fact I have a journel that I can actually write in. *Warning contents of this journel are not for everyone due to unpredictable entries viewer discretion is advised*
A common thought and yet unexpected. Some desire it to come, they want it to sweep them away quickly and never return. While others, they live in fear. They spend their life sitting in their corner of the world and pretend that it will never find them. The wise know that you can not escape it. And I believe them to be right. Who could ever escape Death? It lurks in everyone's shadow and has many faces. The same is true for me. Death knocks on my hallow door by night and tempts me during the day. I am not afraid, but excited almost. I'm interested to see what wave of cruelty will come my way. Today my wish has been realized. Now tell me Destiny is a simple tumor in my leg all that you have to offer? I doubt it. I deserve a far worse punishment. I know that I will live through this and I know what will be my down fall will be much more suitable for a demented child such as myself. But lets hold our breath and fade back to my creation and continue to play. You threaten me and in response to that threat I turn my back and laugh.