Tiger is really sick of it.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of opening myself up, and then getting hurt. I'm tired of people lying to me. I'm tired of it all.
For the second time in not-that-long, there are tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I don't need that. I don't. And I'm tired of it.
I know someone is going to read this, and think it's directed at him. Trust me, sweetie, it isn't. The one it's directed at doesn't know this account. So please, don't feel bad because of me.
My emotions are not petty things that will just go away. They never go away. I don't care if I'll be a stronger person, once I can feel my heart again. At the moment, I am anything but strong. It's taking all my strength just to type this.
I really am tired of it all. I'm tired of pretending that it is all OK with everyone. I'm tired of being the rock that everyone comes to. I'm tired of people thinking that they can take their s**t out on my. Did it ever cross anyone's mind that I'm not always OK? That I need someone I can go to with tears streaming down my face and not feel like they're gonna think differently about me? That I have my own problems and might not need yours on top of it? Sometimes, I don't think it has.
I don't do well with people seeing who I really am. I don't like to feel raw or exposed. I don't like people thinking that I'm anything other than happy and a good listener. But I need someone. Someone to just hold me and tell me that it'sll all be OK, that everyone feels like this. ...That I'm not being selfish.
Yeah, I know that this entry is... I don't even know. But anyway. Tiger's not really in the mood to RP. Sorry, my friends. I'm gonna go and... I dunno. Try not to wallow in my own self pity, I s'pose...
I still love you all. You guys are the best friends a Tiger could ask for, that much I feel good about.
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