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many radom thoughts

Community Member
A Poem I thought of (A lost love)
It's rainging out side and I'm asleep,I hear the rain drops hiting my window and I can't wake up,I hear a child crying off in the distance , but I can't wake up, I hear a whisper of my name and he's calling me, but I can't wake up, I feel something brush my neck,and I wish I could wake up, I hear him say my name name, but my eyes wount open,I feel tears fall down my cheek,I feel some body shaking me but I can't wake up, I feel someones lips on mine, and my eyes open and he's there, he says my name and I smile, his eyes red and he's wet,he says my name again and I blink, but when I open my eyes he's not there, I wake up again and I hug myself and cry disapearing to nothingness.
