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The Legend of Dragoon
So I ranted a bit on the game in my last journal.
Made short, this is my "die for" game, like that one game that some types of gamers have that they never let go of kinda thing?
Yea, this is it for me.
I will geek out on you.

(Zieg Feld heart + If you Still Believe)
Coolon is awesome too /lol

If you Still Believe
Is awesome sound track music.
=..= My album cover picked up 3 small cracks on the back part on it's way from ny. /sad

[8D Know what other song is awesome? click me]

This game is an ancient love story between two people.

Well, story goes that it's been staring at me in the face since I brought it with me from NY. Initially, I was replaying it a bit before I left to come to Vegas...and start school...
But along the way, it froze on me - keeping me from playing it again. It froze near the end of disc 2, right after the boss battle for the blue spirit.
I restarted and beat the same boss 4 times before I gave up...It sucked arse &..&

Well, I figured it must have been the PS2. As for my PS1, I had given my single controller to my best friend...for keeps, so I was kinda out of luck there.

I came to Vegas and met Rusty. Did the whole lovey-dove-dove thing and learned later on that he could fix my PS2 so I could finally continue where I left off. Said he would, though it's been over a year now since those words. I bugged him a few times each month since, but at last, it seems today he brought with him the parts he needed to fix the blasted thing. Fixing still takes time, so I just asked him for a spare PS1 controller, which I now have in my possession. (Hurray for old consoles !)
To my joy and happiness, I am now finally playing the same file I started. Even more happy is I am now past the part that kept freezing. To my delight, I can now scratch off the thought that the CDs themselves were going bad. I mean, I took good care of them D: &3
Game seems totally different to me though. /Thanks to programming class, now all I can do is imagine the variables and integers. Can't forget those switches, right? D: I better ace that class. Just finished it today. (Oh yea, peaked into Ragnarok Onlines funny files. - from an offline server I have somewhere in my computer HD from back when I liked to mess with it. . ^ . The game is made in C language? I see a lot of H files too. I wonder about those. I should open them.)

Kinda funny. I never expected to be able to play this game again. Well, before meeting Rusty /sad. It really feels good to play it in my new room. Feels kinda strange. I played so many old good games in my old room. Never had another room - except for that room in the same house that I kept switching in and out from - initially the guest room -

o..o But yea. LoD on the shmuhnazzy new 32" Vizio HDTV. 1080p too . o.
xD The game actually looks very pixilated to be honest, but it's a wonderful size for this room. The room itself is pretty big. Can't wait till we fix the terrace (which I will claim...since it's only accessible though my room anyways).
I'm sad sony bought out the people who made LoD. Wont ever see a sequal...or at least a remake. It'd be nice if they updated the graphics. It's just suuuch a good game. The quality back when was just amazing ! The introduction? Awwwohhhhgwaaaashhh.

All in all, I can't wait till my cousin visits (I'd love for Rusty to meet him. He's always been the best gamer in the family since always. Thought they could have good fun. He's older too, so he'll know more about the olden games, like Rusty likes.) He was the one to introduce me to the game, back when it came out. I think it was june 00. He got it for Christmas that year. o ^ o Then we played it. Eventually, I just stole it...sort of...permanently borrowed it. There were a few times back in highschool when he'd ask me to give it back so he'd have something to play, only if I was done sort of thing. Kinda felt bad not giving it back to him ^ ^;;
Well, now he doesn't have any sony consoles, so I guess it's just sort of mine now. I'm glad I did borrow it though. Him and his brother always sell their old consoles and games. The ones I borrow for long term are the only ones left from their batch. (Namely LOD, RE2 &-- I meant to borrow 1 but accidentally took 2 - which is a good thing; ummm, GTA 1 and 2 I think are also theirs...I forget what else)
I would like for him to play it again sometime though. Just such a good game. Got into many good things cause of him. Except final fantasy...though that wasn't nearly as great. A friend pushed that series on me when I was 13. No replay value for those sadly...Though I dunno. Maybe I'll replay 7 and 8 since they're there...(though I doubt it)...I'd rather kick it back with 6. 4 Is second to 6 on my list. I wish I could play my DS on the tv xD.
So Maybe I'll play some old games...After Star Ocean 4...

Off I go to reminisce
King Zior awaits me.

Kanzas --& Emperor Doel --& Haschel
Syuveil --& Greham --& Lavits --& Albert (dragon - Feyrbrand)
Damia --& Lenus --& Meru (dragon - Regole)
Belzac --& Kongol
Shirley - White - Holy - Shana -Miranda
Zieg Feld --& Dart Feld --& Zieg Feld
Dart Feld - (Divine Dragon)
Rose - (dragon - Michae - Black Burst Dragon)

When a dragon lives for so long and sees many battles, it goes crazy and must be put down /sad :<

You know, Lavitz kinda reminds me of Thom :0