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Eh. Why must you read this? ...Must you know

- samisaurusxo
Community Member

              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxChapter One
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxInto The Pond

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          v v v v v v v v v v Alice stood there by the giant oak next to the little pond twirling a bit of her light brunette hair as she watched the water ripple. People said that if you were to fall in that pond then you wouldn't ever return and ever so curious Alice was going to test that theory. That was until someone walked behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Turning slowly Alice looked into the face of her enemy Rabbit. Well that was what she called him anyway. His real name was hunter and she despised him. But he had the craziest crush on her. Well that's what she thought because he would always mention how "sexy" she looked. She thought she was abnormal because of how her chest was already big compared to everyone else. She thought it was a curse but they would say they wished they looked like her. Glaring she looked at him and said something insanely crazy to her.

          "Why must you chase me like this?" It was different than what she usually said and she knew he was going to say something odd and perverted to her. He shook his head as she fixed her skirt and turned around to look back at the pond. sighing she slipped off her shoes and twirled her toe in the water to see it ripple again. Looking into the water she looked at her reflection and shook her head she she saw her long strands of hair floating around her face. She ran a hand along the cut short are in the back of her head. That was how her hair looked. It was extremely short in the back but got longer in the front then her bangs went down to her shoulders. Looking at her black tank top and knee length light gray skirt she turned to look at him smirking.

          "What do you mean by that? You're the one following me. I always knew that you loved me so much." He said then walked up to her. She had turned around once more and suddenly he placed a finger under her chin and turned her head the slightest bit so he could see her eyes. He then proceeded to act as if he was going to kiss her then when his lips were under an inch close to hers he chuckled. Stepping back to her tree he leaned on it as she scowled at him. "I bet you wanted me to kiss you didn't you? Well suck it up." He then started to chuckle. Alice wanted to scream. Not because she wanted him to kiss her because he was cute. He had hair that was so blond it was white and his skin was pale and his eyes were a startling blue that you could drown in. But she wanted to scream because of his constant nosiness.

          "I wouldn't kiss you if you were the last man on earth. Even then I would rather die alone than try to repopulate this planet with you!" She screamed at him then looked back into the pond. Listening to his footsteps she got ready to jump in.

          "You know that you want me in your bed." He said in her ear which made her shiver the tinniest bit because he was too close for her liking. She wanted to beat him over the head with a rock. Yet she couldn't. So she turned and glared as she began to talk.

          "If I saw you even remotely near my room I would burn you." She shouted while walking right in front of him while he backed into the tree. Once she was about an inch away from him she took in a deep breath as she gasped once she noticed how close they were. Then he leaned forward the tinniest bit and pressed their lips together in a kiss. She stood there rigid as he pulled away from her. His eyes were just as wide as hers and when she took a step back she tripped over a rock and fell into the pond. Once she fell in everything was dark except for the little neon lights here and there. Letting out a scream Alice hit the ground with a thump. That was when she blacked out.


          Her head throbbed as she opened her eyes to a bright day. She thought that Rabbit had taken her home but when she saw a rabbit in front of her looking upset she opened her eyes all the way. Then the rabbit spoke and what it said terrified her.

          "Alice! Oh dear Alice! You are not safe. We must leave now!" The small white rabbit said in a squeaky tone that reminded her of the rabbit that she was just with. It was a small white rabbit that was now nudging her arm as if to say we must get to moving. She was about to sit when the rabbit looked up and Alice heard footsteps.

          "Oh dearest rabbit. What has brought you here? We sent you back so you would be safe. You know of the Queen. Wonderland is slowly deterorating and bringing a human here is suicide. The Queen has already found out. Young lady? Are you all right?" The man said looking at Alice now. Alice pushed herself to a sitting position and looked at the man in front of her. He couldn't be more than a year older than her. Rubbing her eyes she looked around and after a few moments of no reply the man helped her to her feet by putting an arm under her arms and pulling her to stand. Once she was on her feet she let out a yelp as she put weight on her right ankle. It was now swollen and looking at it she fell once the man let her go. "Oh. You poor lady. What seems to be the- Oh dear. It looks bad. We must see the Caterpillar." He said. "Wait. I am The Hatter. You are?" He said.

          "I am Alice. And oh my. Where Are we?" She said as Hatter gasped. She looked at him questioningly wondering why his eyes were now so wide as he looked at her. "What seems to be wrong Hatter? What have I done?" She said worriedly. She had no idea what she had done and she never liked getting in trouble for being curious but it wouldn't be a first. She had actually snuck out of the house to go to the pond and how she was going to get home was an issue. "I must get home. I really need to or mommy will be mad. Very very mad." She said laying a hand on her forehead due to her headache. It was now a throbbing pain that shattered every coherent thought in her mind. Letting out a groan she shook her head as she tried to stand once again. Her skirt was a bit ripped and she decided to just rip it so that it was now a bit shorter. Looking at her tank top she shook her head as the now dull throb of her headache began to leave her mind.

          Suddenly feeling very sad Alice started to weep as she looked around this retched place. "Oh Alice. Dear poor Alice. You have done nothing wrong. we will get you home soon and you will be safe but first we must contact Caterpillar and fix your ankle. Does anything else hurt? Your head I presume." Hatter said as he sat next to Alice and pulled out a handkerchief so she could wipe away the tears. "i promise we will keep you safe until you are home. But we need some help. So calm down and stop crying." Hatter said hugging her with one arm. The rabbit then squeaked loudly and looked as if it was glaring at Hatter. But Alice just brushed it off and then looked around once again. Suddenly she was off the ground and hatter was holding her bridal style. Alice focused on his bright green eyes and black curly hair that was mostly hidden under a purple had that seemed to have teeth on it. It was a nice hat that Alice liked but that was her style.

          Then Hatter was walking. And she was going with him but she wasn't at all bothered by it. Suddenly that rabbit was on her stomach and it was just watching her sadly. Suddenly she had the urge to pet the small white rabbit so she reached forward and put her hand on the rabbits soft fur and a sudden jolt of energy made her jump. "Rabbit?" She said questioningly. But she was worried of the answer and yet for some reason she wanted it to be Rabbit. More than the world she wanted it to be Rabbit. She wanted- no needed to see someone she knew to tell her this was real. That she wasn't crazy. Then the rabbit spoke.

          "Yes, Alice?" The rabbit said. And Alice's eyes began to water due to her sudden burst of happiness. She put a hand to her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Alice? Don't cry. Alice please don't cry. It kills me to see you sad." The rabbit blurted out. Then he began nuzzling at her cin and his whiskers tickled her neck. Looking up at Hatter she smiled as he seemed to look a bit jealous she frowned. Then a thought entered her mind and she began to grow pink. "Alice?" Rabbit asked quietly and it seemed like a small squeak. Then Alice turned her attention ahead. Looking at the door that had nothing behind it let her knew that at this moment her life was going to change forever.

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