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My Chemical Imbalance
Hi. I'm lost. This is my journal.
And then, there were two. Two people that made my life complete, two people that gave my life a purpose. Two people who taught me everything important, everything I'd need to know in life. Not mathematics, or how to read. They taught me life. They showed me love, and accomplishment, and happiness, and laughter, and ambition, and fulfillness. They are two people I will never forget, even if they forget me.

These two people aren't my parents, or teachers. They are two people who have hardly anything alike except for knowing me. I don't know how I've changed them, if at all; all I know is that they've changed me. They each have made me cry, whether it had been from joy or sadness. They each have made me laugh for days on end. They each have made my head hurt, my heart grow, my eyes open.

They have kept me going when I felt like stopping. One of them has swept me off my feet. The other one keeps me grounded. One of them recognizes my talents, and one of them gave some to me. They both don't know what they mean to me. But I do, and this is my thank you to them. And maybe they'll decide to stay in my life for a while...