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A ninja story
kaori a simple girl tying to live her life till she mets a hansome 12 year old boy whos a ninja. Thus meeting this boy named kaechi drives her toward being a ninja . Find out what happens to kaori in KAORI SAGA.Written by me (chibi chibi 420).The 1s
Something Important

I still wondering who are my true friend s and how do u no.Yoour true friends wont judge u so its foolish 2 be scared 2 tell ur friends something bcuz u think they will be sad or mad.When a friends hears u wont tell them something bcuz they will be mad if they knew.Thats something that only fools do.Never put urself out there looking 4 advice never say u hav no 1 always belive that there is allways a person there 4 u.The person that does listen 2 u will be a great 1.there could always be more than 1 so dont limit urself 2 1 person such as a bf/gf.If u feel the 1 u said u loved doesnt care.Maybe u shoudnt of loved loved him/her.If u also fear that u hav fallen out of love with some 1 maybe u never did love that person or maybe u felt lust towards them.Dont ask 4 advice from ppl that arent true 2 u.But the answer will always come 2 u and thats wen only ur voice matters.Good Luck u no who ur the only voice that matters.But 4 all others who read this may this be something u will always remeber!