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View User's Journal

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Age: 18
Height: 6'1
Birthday: November 3rd
Wardrobe: Anything different and out there, he's not from around here...He lives in the city in the sky, Lataria. He likes darker clothes, and is half angel. He can use his wings whenever he wants too. (they just pop out) -draw the wings, +1.5k-
w/out wings
Attitude: Very jelous and rude, but funny and nice at the same time. Doesn't like strangers, likes his ego stroked daily.


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Age: 15
Height: 5'6
Birthday: February 24th
Wardrobe: Anything warm, and interesting, sometimes ultra colorful. Regular human girl who lives in Washington, dreary, and yes, more warm clothing.
Attitude: Shy, but at the same time, weird and funny, rude and somtimes mega obnoxious. Likes art and music.

Name the Price. (;
btw im not that poor.

Art Received;

Kaiiz Chaos -Anton and Emily-

-intoxicated_poptart- -Anton-

BlackRoseGaL -Sign, Anton, Emily, Dead Hair-

TheRambleMaster-Anton and Emily-


Jumping Jehosaphat -Anton-

Lyka Mai -Anton and Emily-

Lord Lenna -Anton-

Ialae -Anton-

AvengedDolly -Emily-

marvi_girl -Anton and Emily-

iiFuzzyBlueLights -Anton and Emily-

Cathasarsim -Anton-